Membership Site Dashboard-Window Into Unmatched Benefits

Have you considered a membership site for your online learning needs?

What is the big deal about that you ask?

Why a membership site you want to know?

Great questions.

What if I told you that there are exclusive benefits to a membership site?

That single online courses cannot match!

And that are designed to also save your wallet.

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Even as you access premium learning resources.


Too good to be true?

Let me lay out a case for the exclusive benefits I am talking about.

I will do this with specific reference to the Financial Skills Academy Membership.

I promise that at the end of this post you will change your opinion about online learning.

And benefits of membership sites.

Watch this quick [less than 1 min!] video for a window into your world of exclusive, unmatched benefits of membership.

This Blog Post will cover:

Library Vs Single Online Course Metaphor

I will use a metaphor to build my case for membership site benefits.

Let us begin with learning essentials.

Your learning needs are quite varied.

And unique to you.

They cannot be met by any single online course.


Because each online course targets a certain learning level.

Basics cover elementary material.

Intermediate material cover more advanced learning.

So, given this, enrolling in a course can at best be limiting.

You might have to go back to another online course for higher, different learning.

There is no one size fits all type of course.

An old Chinese saying goes:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day

Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

What if I told you that a membership site teaches you how to fish.

As opposed to a single online course.

In other words, instead of one course you have an entire library at your disposal.

Financial Skills Academy Membership-Different Ways to Learn

Let me bring in Financial Skills Academy Membership here.

Are you a hotel middle manager or student?

Instead of enrolling in a single course, enroll in the Financial Skills Academy Membership.

It has multiple library types for learning.

The libraries provide learning in different ways:

  • Courses
  • Videos
  • Guides
  • eBooks
  • Slideshows
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts

and more

Now can you see the first major benefit of membership sites?

But there is more.

Access to Exclusive, Premium Resources

Building on the earlier section, a library allows you to pace yourself.

To your style and speed of learning.

And yes, difficulty level too.

Most importantly it provides you choices.

You can look up another learning method.

For example:

Say, you are going through an online course.

Would it not be great if you could look up a focused guide for that?

Or browse an infographic as a visual?

Watch a slideshow?

Or listen to a podcast?

You cannot do that with a single online course.

In a way you are stuck with the learning method.

And consider this situation.

What if you wanted one on one coaching?

Maybe not all the time.

But as a different way to learn.

And to be guided in that learning.

Membership sites are more like communities.

They support your learning process.

With focused guidance.

And not just throw course content at you.

Why Financial Skills Academy Membership?

Why do we call it the Ultimate Learning Hub?

Let me lay out the reasons why.

As hotel managers your work is cut out for you.

You manage a busy operation.

You supervise a group of employees.

How do you grow yourself professionally?

The pandemic has made professional development an individual responsibility.

You must take ownership of it.

So, making the right choice for your learning growth is critical.

You want learning that can be squeezed into your hectic schedule.

And is self paced.

Which gives you choices in your learning methods.

Financial Skills Academy Membership is your online learning go to resource.


Because, to begin with. you have a host of libraries to choose from.

You have access to:

  • Premium Content Library
  • Course Library
  • Video Library
  • Ultimate Guides Library
  • Podcast Library
  • Infographics Library
  • Asset Library [Templates, Downloads, Excel Workbooks etc]

But that is not all.

Learner Mentoring Sessions

Financial Skills Academy Membership supports new hotel managers and students differently.

Learners require simple, non-technical and usable language in courses and content.

And importantly new hotel managers and students require guidance.

We have got you covered.

Beginner level members are guided through Mentoring Sessions.

These are one on one sessions that focus on specific learning needs.

This is something that single online courses can never match.

How do we know what are your learning needs?

Wait until the next update on the Welcome Kit where we will reveal our unique method for that.

Let’s look at another exclusive benefit of the financial skills academy membership.

Private Community

Membership benefits allow access to forums like Facebook Groups.

These are private communities in which members can interact and exchange ideas.

In fact experience exchange is one of the biggest benefits of membership sites.

Imagine being part of a community where you can share frustrations and find solutions.

Try and do that with single online course offerings.

Still not convinced about the value of Financial Skills Academy membership?

Here is something that will surely make you first smile and then embrace it wholeheartedly.

The Icing on the Cake

On top of all these unmatched, exclusive benefits, there is one that you will love.

And that is the wallet saver.

Financial Skills Academy Membership will save you a ton of money for the value it provides.

Your learning value per dollar invested is way above with this membership.

When comparing with single online courses.

That is the icing on the cake of membership site benefits.

And it is no different with Financial Skills Academy Membership.

Your investment in it will reward you with more learning per dollar than single courses.

All the while supporting your learning requirements.

Financial Skills Academy Membership Dashboard

So, what is this dashboard, you want to know?

Financial Skills Academy Membership Dashboard is indeed your window to exclusive unmatched benefits as laid out earlier.

See a screenshot below of the dashboard I am talking about.

It allows you to get a peek into the private Member Area of the Membership.

Hotel Finance Training MembershipDashboard - Your World of Benefits

Financial Skills Academy Membership Dashboard - Your World of Unmatched Benefits

The dashboard allows you to quickly access every benefit you will enjoy with the membership.

From course library to video library to ultimate guides library (as you saw earlier), you can access content according to your preference.

It also shows you the courses you are currently going through complete with a progress bar.

How cool is that?

We are not even talking about beautifully crafted Course Certificates at the end of your learning.

After all, you need validation for the effort you are putting into your professional development, right?

Hotel Finance Training Membership Dashboard - Course Progress

Financial Skills Academy Membership Dashboard - Course Progress

Upcoming events, latest premium posts and podcasts are just a click away.

Did you watch the video at the beginning of this post?

If not, make sure you do.

This behind the scenes peek at the membership is the first of many until the launch date.

Pssst....the launch date will reveal soon....

FAQs: Membership Site

What is a membership site?

 xx A membership site gives members exclusive access to premium content and resources typically in exchange for a monthly and / or annual subscription fee.

Why do people join membership sites?

People may want to be part of a exclusive community of like minded professionals. They can reach out to fellow members to share ideas and often problems which they are not able to solve themselves.

What is the difference between a membership site and an online course?

An online course is just one type of content often addressing also a certain difficulty level. Membership sites, on the other hand contain multiple types of content and courses. They can be compared to becoming a member of a library of resources.

Want to know more about Financial Skills Academy Membership coming soon?

Sign Up below to earn exclusive introductory discounts and other benefits.

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[Upon Launch]

Financial Skills Academy Membership

Financial Skills Academy Membership

Next Update: Membership Site Welcome Kit

What kind of learning needs do you have as a hotel manager?

How are you meeting those needs?

Have you considered enrolling in Financial Skills Academy Membership [coming soon..].

In the next update, you will go behind the scenes to learn what the Welcome Kit is all about.

Remember the unique benefit I talked about earlier.

You will learn about that which you will not find elsewhere in any membership welcome kit.

Enough said....

See you there.


About the author, Lakshmi Narasimhan Soundararajan

Lakshmi Narasimhan Soundararajan is the Founder of Ignite Insight LLC a New York City based consultancy, which specializes in Hotel Finance Training, Coaching and Consulting.

Right from the time he was in school, Lakshmi had a head for numbers. In fact, he says, numbers talk to him and tell him stories. At the same time, as he fashioned his career in the hospitality industry, he worked closely with colleagues who did not have a financial background. He saw them struggle with numbers and fear them.

Lakshmi made up his mind there and then to commit his career to hotel finance training by simplifying numbers for the benefit of his non-financial background colleagues. He founded Profits Masterclass first and then Financial Skills Academy with the philosophy of assisting managers and small business owners to Build Financial Skills, Knowledge and Ability in themselves.

His vision is for Financial Skills Academy to be the Ultimate Learning Hub for Hotel Finance Training.

Lakshmi 's all time favorite historical figure is Leonard Da Vinci and in particular Da Vinci's love for simplicity. When founding Financial Skills Academy, Lakshmi based the value proposition for his hotel finance courses on three foundational principles: SIMPLE. NON-TECHNICAL. USABLE.

Lakshmi can be contacted at +1 201-253 5000, or at LinkedIn

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