Ultimate Learning Hub for Hotel Finance Training

Ultimate Learning Hub for Hotel Finance Training

Ready for a behind the scenes sneak peek of the ultimate learning hub?

At what’s cooking at Financial Skills Academy?

What will do that for you, you ask?

Great Question.

Well, it is primarily for your benefit.


Through developing your skill sets.

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Don’t miss our 5 Killer Hotel KPIs Dashboard

Get this exclusive Excel Template that you can customize to create your own 5 Killer Hotel KPIs Dashboard

That make you:

  • productive,
  • problem solving,
  • financially literate and
  • business savvy.

And Yes, successful.

You would want that wouldn’t you?

As a hotel manager, you are expected to run a successful operation day in day out.

That means a host of things:

  • problem solving guest needs
  • managing employees
  • taking decisions (many financial!)

all while delivering consistent revenue and profit!

You have your work cut out for you.

It means pressing into play diverse skill sets.

Have you thought of that?

Whole Host of Skills

It is not enough for you to just run the operation.

You have to run it successfully.

In a post pandemic era that means:

  • delivering revenue
  • managing expenses and
  • retaining profit

Pleasing your bosses.

And of course your hotel owners.

It requires an important combination of skill sets.

A combination we have been working on diligently behind the scenes in Financial Skills Academy to deliver to you.

Are you prepared from your side?

I mean, have you been building your professional skill sets?

We might well have the solution for you.


We are going to part the curtain, so to say.

Take you behind the scenes on stuff we have been working on.

Want to whet your appetite pronto?

Watch this Behind the Scenes Intro!

Click to play

Liked it?

This was just the trailer.

And the first of many.

We will be regularly providing you updates on specific benefits for you from the Financial Skills Academy Membership.

And that is your priority, right?

You must benefit in building professional skill sets.

And we get it.

Sharing with you exactly how you stand to benefit.

Through these behind the scenes peeks.

Updates that will convince you about delivery of skillsets.

Ready to dive into this sneak peek?

Let’s go.

This Behind the Scenes Update will cover

Your Most Critical Challenges as a Hotel Manager

The first question in your mind must be:

Why are we calling this the Ultimate Learning Hub for Hotel Finance Training?

Great Start.

Here we go.

Take a look at this infographic which encapsulates it all.

Financial Skills Academy Membership

Financial Skills Academy Membership

But we will do something else first which will resonate with you.

We will start with what your most immediate challenges are as a hotel manager.

After all, that is what you really care about [What’s In It For Me].

With all that is on your plate as a hotel manager, there is urgent need to get access to learning:

  • that will solve your hotel operation problems
  • build professional skill sets in you
  • that is non-technical and easy to understand
  • that is quick to digest (and does not drag on forever) - you are a busy professional
  • that you can apply to your hotel operation challenges
  • that can deliver all of the above IN ONE PLACE!!!

You could cross your heart and say if all of this happened it would be good professional development.

Something you need urgently.

And so, let us come back to that question of yours.

Why Ultimate Learning Hub?

Why are we calling this the Ultimate Learning Hub for Hotel Finance Training?

Did you watch the Behind the Scenes Intro video?

If you did, you will realize something important. (if not, please watch it - it is less than a minute!)

Ultimate Learning Hub

Ultimate Learning Hub

How the Financial Skills Academy Membership ticks off all your learning expectations we listed above.

And more...

Exclusive Community

Exclusive Community

Let’s go through your challenges first.

You want learning that will help you solve your hotel operation problems.

Ultimate Learning Hub & Problem Based Courses

Financial Skills Academy courses are problem based.

What do I mean by that?

It means that all the courses we teach begin with a problem first.

For example:

Say the lesson is about hotel RevPAR.

We just don’t tell you what RevPAR means (other courses do only that).

We show you a RevPAR of a real life hotel.


In a real life hotel profit and loss statement.

Paradise Hotel will be your constant companion through all your lessons.

So, you will be presented with a RevPAR number.

By actually looking at a Profit and Loss Statement.

Just like you would for your hotel.

This gets learning to be in sync with things you are familiar with - the hotel operation.

You will be required to first analyze the RevPAR number.

Say, find out what is wrong with the RevPAR number.

See, how different it would be compared to just telling you what RevPAR is.

That would not deliver any learning for you.

And now on to your next challenge.

Building Financial Skills, Knowledge as well as Ability

Your next challenge is that the learning must build skill sets in you.

Otherwise, what is the point?

You come away from the learning not being able to apply any of what you learned.

Well, we have news for you.

Our courses build not just financial skills, but professional skills, knowledge and ability.

Why do you need all three?

Great Question.

Well, just knowing about something is not enough.

Going back to that example, most courses simply tell you what a concept is.

Say, what RevPAR is and how to calculate it.

However, you want to learn to know what a RevPAR means.

What is a good RevPAR?

And what is not such a good one?

Maybe, compare it with the previous month or the budget for your hotel.

This would require looking at a financial statement which most courses do not provide.

Financial Skills Academy courses go way beyond that.

How so?

Course assignments will specifically involve you front and center.


By asking you to state three points about the RevPAR (as an example) that you observe.

This will require you to analyze the profit and loss statement.

And other KPIs like occupancy, average daily rate etc.

See, how our courses place you in a familiar situation like your own hotel performance.

So, we make you analyze the RevPAR.

Then the assignment will ask you to suggest strategies to increase RevPAR.

Can you see how the course is not just telling you, but making you analyze, then suggest remedy?

And this will be building ability in you.

The ability of problem solving.

See how all three ingredients - knowledge, skills and ability - are baked into the lesson.

This is wholesome learning.

Learning that builds skill sets.

And now on to your next challenge.

Non-Technical, Easy to Understand - Ultimate Learning Hub

This is the single most common complaint against hotel finance training courses.

They are full of jargon and technical terms.

Jargon puts hotel managers off.

It instills fear of financial analysis.

Financial Skills Academy courses take the other route.

Every concept is explained in lay person terms.

You do not need any financial background to understand concepts.

Also, the lesson narrative is kept simple.

It constantly asks you questions in simple terms.

To check for your understanding.

You feel comfortable going through the course lessons.

And now on to your next challenge.

Quick to Digest Learning (does not drag on forever)

You are a busy professional running a busy operation (now busier post covid-19).

You require content that is:

  • crisp and
  • not long winded.

Financial Skills Academy courses are broken down into byte sized chunks of learning.

We call them Micro Courses.

Micro Courses - hotel finance training

Ultimate Learning Hub - Micro Courses

Every concept is broken down into its most simple parts.

Each part is explained separately.

Parts are then connected together.

You do not get overwhelmed by the content.

It allows you to take the course in a self paced manner.

Removing stress entirely.

And now on to your next challenge (we have one more to go after this!).

Learning You can Apply to Your Hotel Operation Challenges

This is something almost no course in the market offers.

This is because, it requires learning (and the learner) to be placed in a familiar situation.

Situation that you as a hotel manager face in your own operation.

It requires you to read a profit and loss statement for analysis and decision making.

However, no course in the market provides you a financial statement which you can analyze.

As part of the course content.

In all of the Financial Skills Academy courses, your constant companion will be Paradise Hotel.

And its financial statement which will be instrumental in delivering hotel finance training.

Every element of a financial statement you use in your own hotel operation is with you in learning.

Ultimate Learning Hub - All Learning IN ONE PLACE!!!

This is a unique challenge.

All of the above ingredients you require in your hotel finance training should be in one place.

That is what a learning hub is.

Very few learning offerings can fulfill this.

This includes membership sites.

However, Financial Skills Academy Membership is specifically tailored to satisfy this key expectation.

Again, if you watched the Intro video above you would have seen that.

You saw earlier what is on offer at Financial Skills Academy Membership.

And what your learning with us can achieve.

Now can you see why we call ourselves the Ultimate Learning Hub for Hotel Finance Training.

It is your single ticket to building professional skills, knowledge and ability in yourself.

And to banish all the challenges that we discussed above.

And transform you into a successful business savvy hotelier.

Your learning challenges are over.

Get ready for the Ultimate Learning Hub for Hotel Finance Training.


Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Want to Sign Up in Advance? [& Get Intro Pricing Discounts!]

Launching Soon...

Your All in One Place Professional Development Center. 

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[Upon Launch]

Financial Skills Academy Membership

Financial Skills Academy Membership

Next Episode of Behind the Scenes

In the next episode of the Behind the Scenes, we will look at one specific benefit for you.

With the Financial Skills Academy Membership.

In building your financial skills.

We will share examples of our course approach which will achieve that for you.

Towards being a successful and business savvy hotelier.

Here is to your success!

See you in the next episode.

Is there any aspect of hotel finance training which you would like to see included?

Comment below and we will ensure that we give it a good shot!

Ultimate Learning Hub - Related Posts

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About the author, Lakshmi Narasimhan Soundararajan

Lakshmi Narasimhan Soundararajan is the Founder of Ignite Insight LLC a New York City based consultancy, which specializes in Hotel Finance Training, Coaching and Consulting.

Right from the time he was in school, Lakshmi had a head for numbers. In fact, he says, numbers talk to him and tell him stories. At the same time, as he fashioned his career in the hospitality industry, he worked closely with colleagues who did not have a financial background. He saw them struggle with numbers and fear them.

Lakshmi made up his mind there and then to commit his career to hotel finance training by simplifying numbers for the benefit of his non-financial background colleagues. He founded Profits Masterclass first and then Financial Skills Academy with the philosophy of assisting managers and small business owners to Build Financial Skills, Knowledge and Ability in themselves.

His vision is for Financial Skills Academy to be the Ultimate Learning Hub for Hotel Finance Training.

Lakshmi 's all time favorite historical figure is Leonard Da Vinci and in particular Da Vinci's love for simplicity. When founding Financial Skills Academy, Lakshmi based the value proposition for his hotel finance courses on three foundational principles: SIMPLE. NON-TECHNICAL. USABLE.

Lakshmi can be contacted at +1 201-253 5000, nara.profitsmasterclass@gmail.com or at LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/slakshminarasimhan/

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